In interviews


Kristina Borinskaya is a photographer currently working and living in Italy.
Born in 1992 in post-Soviet Moldavia, she uses photography to explore issues relating to identity, everyday life and the cycles of time.

“Focusing my work on ephemerality of life I try to convey the beauty of simple things. Using only film cameras I categorically exclude a priori construction of the context. In this way I leave room to chance and magic.”


What would be your message to young girls around the globe?

If you are reading this and struggling in one way or another with your vulnerability. Remember that it is ok to feel this way. Try to embrace it. Be gentile to yourself. One day from your wounds will grow beautiful flowers. And ,yes, I’m just as imperfect and strange as you.


What social/political issues are the most important to you?

Being a woman I am very interested in how women see and perceive themselves. And how society controls our behavior in the age of social media by objectifying our bodies and making us fear ourselves. I sincerely hope that one day we could be truly free. However ,I think, the most important issues today are global warming and plastic pollution. The situation is really alarming. Each of us must become more responsible not only for himself but for the future of the entire planet. I personally fight on the question of plastic in my family every day.


What keeps you sane in this insane world?

Akira Kurosawa once said: “In an insane world, only mad are sane.” I’m of the same idea (laughing). Seriously speaking I am very introverted person. I spend a lot of time being alone, reading, watching movies, studying the history of art. I have also a strong connection with the nature which comes from my childhood. I grew up in a countryside and I had a lot of freedom from parents. Memories of those times are so intense, I think, they influenced strongly on who I become. I want to mention also my partner who supports me every day and “keeps me anchored to the earth”. I am very lucky having him.


Tell us about more your diary.

A need of a visual diary came to me in a very natural way. I felt a necessity to externalize my feelings and to share them with someone who perhaps feels the same way I do. In this way photography became my main medium because I was interested in it from my early adolescence. What drives me to continue is the realization that nothing is absolute, everything changes and moves. I just want to capture a gleam of my feelings in time, which escape from me every time.


What makes you feel at home?

I feel at home when I’m surrounded by people who understand and accept me, when I feel myself in a safe place. The theme of Home is very recurrent for me. Since I leaved the place where I was born almost a decade ago I feel often nostalgic, although the place where I live now has become my second home.

Tell us about your project Ouranion.

Ouranion is an open space created to celebrate the sense of beautiful and sublime. I just thought initially that there so many brilliant women photographers in the world who inspire me but many of them for some reason do not have as much attention as they deserve. So my purpose is to show their works to the world and maybe some people will find something that speaks to them.

If you want to follow her work 💖👇👇




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