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Karla Guerrero is a Photographer from Fundación Pedro Meyer and Academia de Artes Visuales. Her work has been exhibited across Europe and Mexico. Winner of the National Award of Mexico at the 2018 Sony World Photography Awards, finalist at the Lucie Foundation Scholarship Programs: Photo Made 2018. Her series “Berta” is part of the collective archive “The family of no man” by Cosmos Arles Books 2018. Recently nominee at the FOAM Paul Huf Award 2019. Founder and curator in Femgrafia: a space dedicated to promote female Latin American & hispanic photographers. 

Within her artistic practice she collaborates writing articles in the photography section of Espacio Gaf platform for research and dissemination of contemporary photography in Latin America, founded by Marcel del Castillo.

About this project:
“The procedure of how memory is erased along with the visual language generated in response to diseases such as Alzheimer and dementia were the starting points to develop the project.
My grandmother Berta suffers from dementia and her relation between image-memory has changed progressively, when she was younger she created a photo album with her most beloved memories, looking over I found some empty pages; suddenly it became a premonition of a forgotten past that can’t remain in the present, this is where I decided to step in.”

“Within the project, I made a short series about the daily life of my grandmother since dementia has come into our lives along with the reworked album. My intention with both wasn’t to revive her memories. Berta is the life of a woman as a wife, mother, and grandmother.”

“I dedicate this project to the more than 44 million people around the world affected by Alzheimer and dementia diseases and to their caregivers commonly known as family.”

Phenomenology can be interpreted as a philosophical vanguard that studies every possible observable manifestation Guerrero’s work is highly influenced by this vanguard making references to phenomenological states related to the poetic space and image. The behavior of the gaze and the limits within public and private stimulate her to create imaginary scenarios. With her images, she aims to evoke a reflection a deep consciousness and then an emotion.

You can follow Karla’s artwork in 👉 INSTAGRAM
And her project where she shares the work of female photographers from Latin America and Hispanic 👉 @femgrafia

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