In interviews


Paula Zavalia aka Nikka is one of the few argentinian female droner. She always felt the need to explore the world in a different way. Droning allowed her to discover the world from a whole new perspective.

“I have always felt the need to explore the world in a different way. Droning allowed me to discover the world from a whole new perspective”


Do you think women are being treated differently to men in your field?

I believe women are definitely being treated differently on my field. Just take a look at the movies, videoclips, ads credits: it´s 85% men. And i know there are tons of girls dreaming to be on the business. It´s like people are used to have more trust in men. So, like the percentage is higher on men, is like the world got used to this. Each time I am flying my drone, someone approaches me and tells me something like “wow!! a girl who drones!”


How do you support other women in your field/ in your life? How do you think we should?

I use Instagram a lot. Like many times a day, every day. I use it to share my work and to see others´. Its the perfect app for creators and exposure. So, i like to encourage other women by liking, commenting and sharing their work.

What has been the response to your work?

Lately, im having a really positive responde on my work. I feel people slowly are trusting women more and more.


What inspires you?

I get my inspiration from artists of all kind: photographers, filmmakers, digital animators, even painters and sculptors. Also from traveling. I think traveling is what inspires me the most.


Your favourite place you have visited?

Iceland, by far.

What cool, interesting Instagram account do you follow?

@helloemilie @fromwhereidrone @spathumpa @abstractaerialart @donhkoland @womenwhodrone  @tommylundberg @cache_bunny

If you want to follow Nikka’s work


Interview by: Darta Treimane

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